If you read through the studies that you used during the research process, you’ll notice that the authors used past tense when writing results section dissertation. That’s a standard that all PhD writers follow. Filter the Results by Relevance; You don’t have to include all findings in your results section of research paper. If some of them were irrelevant, don’t mention them When writing the thesis results chapter, the author should break down the findings into simple sentences. Essentially, this section should tell readers what the author found in the research. What to Include in the Dissertation Results Chapter. The results chapter of a dissertation should include the core findings of a study In case you do not know how to write results section of dissertation, meaning you are uncertain about whether to present particular results, read the research question again and determine whether the results are pertinent to it. If your findings are relevant to the topic, present them in your work. The next step is to decide on the way the findings should be introduced blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Dissertation Writing: Results and Discussion | SkillsYouNeed
We need cookies to provide you with the best and original experience. If you do not change your settings, we will consider that you will not mind us sending all cookies to you. Read more ». Once you get through the Literature Review and Dissertation methodology writing, and the copyright problems and peculiarities have been settled, you may start your Results section, dissertation how to write results.
The results section should present the results obtained in the course of research. This part includes statistical data and other types of dissertation results. Results writing will keep you wondering whether everything is being done as required. In other words, all your findings have to be summarized and transformed into a clear and concrete statement of facts. Your goal is to remind the reader about the dissertation hypothesis and say whether your results support or contradict it.
Comment on the theoretical findings of the Literature review and state whether they match dissertation how to write results thesis or suggest new findings, whatever the outcome. In order to support your viewpoint on the importance of your findings, you need to present the sources you have browsed.
When writing a doctoral dissertation, it is not obligatory to mention all the material you have reviewed. Still, when it goes about a Master's or undergraduate thesis, it is required to describe the steps you have taken to explore the matter in detail. Note that the results section has to be produced in the past tense, as you have already conducted research. All the results are obtained by using specific methods.
Remember to describe each of the adopted methods in the "Methods" chapter. Ensure you have mentioned all the pertinent methods. Vice versa, each method should lead to some results.
Thus, if you decide not to include particular tests in the results chapter, remember to delete information about certain methods. In case you do not know how to write results section of dissertation, meaning you are uncertain about whether to present particular results, read the research question again and determine whether the results are pertinent to it. If your findings are relevant to the topic, present them in your work. The next step is to decide on the way the findings should be introduced in.
For example, the results may be presented right after the methods, or you may begin with describing the most essential findings and move to the least significant ones. It is also required to define the most suitable means of presenting your results, i. figures, charts, tables, etc. Strive to apply the most effective technique to help readers understand everything properly.
For instance, it will be hard for readers to deal with 10 pages of tables containing complex calculations. Try to compile only one table and chart highlighting the obtained findings.
Check whether the compiled tables, charts, etc. have their numbers and dissertation how to write results. Mind that the illustrative material has to be numbered on separate lists but in the way it is mentioned in the paper. If you create more than two tables, it is worth presenting their lists along the table of contents at the beginning of your work. Avoid repetitions. Both the text and tables should complement each other. Do your best to make reference to all the tables and figures indicated in your paper.
The illustrative material which you do not refer to should be either moved to appendices or deleted. Remember to provide information about any alterations in the findings. Keep in mind that statistical data should present the changes in different types of interval estimates and respective limitations.
It is unnecessary to provide all the supporting material in this section. Some amount of the evidence should be presented in the appendices which you should refer to when needed. Information about the participants of the experiment is given in the Appendix B. Do not forget that it is necessary not only to present but also to dissertation how to write results your results.
It is important to accurately assess the results and their pertinence. However, dissertation how to write results, you should not go into details.
Leave it for the " Discussion " section. It is highly advisable to take proper care of writing the results section. To ensure successful result, turn to the team of Dissertationmasters, dissertation how to write results. com for professional assistance, dissertation how to write results.
Isn't it better to get professional help than take the risk of failing the entire project? If you have any doubts concerning writing the Results section, contact our representatives and get handy writing tips from competent and experienced writers.
Learn how to produce top quality writing from the best professionals dissertation how to write results get the work meeting the highest academic standards. Want some help with your writing assignment? Place an order, dissertation how to write results. The "Dissertation results" section from Dissertationmasters.
The "Conclusion" addresses the thesis statement and is presented in the clearest possible way. We properly arrange the "Results" chapter so that it meets the highest requirements. Results writing along with other services we provide include dissertation surveys and analysis.
Our aim is to help students complete the most essential task of their academic career successfully! com is detailed and organized perfectly. By strictly following your methodology, we compile the data and test results, which you have collected, into simple and understandable text.
The results you define are analyzed, dissertation how to write results and explained properly. We will assign a PhD writer to your order help you with your work. Contact us to get help with any of dissertation how to write results writing assignments, including the dissertation results writing and you will get the services that will never let your efforts fail. START NOW! Type of your assignment. Writing level. Top Tip! Sum up the results by referring to the tables and charts to support your statements.
How to Write a Discussion Section - Scribbr
, time: 3:52Reporting Research Results in Your Dissertation

The Results section should set out your key experimental results, including any statistical analysis and whether or not the results of these are significant. You should cover any literature supporting your interpretation of significance. It does not have to include everything you If you read through the studies that you used during the research process, you’ll notice that the authors used past tense when writing results section dissertation. That’s a standard that all PhD writers follow. Filter the Results by Relevance; You don’t have to include all findings in your results section of research paper. If some of them were irrelevant, don’t mention them In case you do not know how to write results section of dissertation, meaning you are uncertain about whether to present particular results, read the research question again and determine whether the results are pertinent to it. If your findings are relevant to the topic, present them in your work. The next step is to decide on the way the findings should be introduced blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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