Success is being happy, but smiling is a look associated with happiness, but depressed people can smile and laugh too. So to answer what success actually looks like is someone who show’s continuous genuine happiness. The best way to achieve that status is to have your stress levels at a minimum.” Jun 09, · Choose the correct subject is the first steps of being success, so you must fight for it, because you are allowed to decide your future. There are a lot of types of student in the college, different types of student have different kind of goal or aim. But most Accounting. Administrative Law. African-American Studies. American History. Arts. Astrology. Astronomy. Biology. Chemistry. Civil Law. /5(K)
13 College Essay Examples From Top Universities (–) — Shemmassian Academic Consulting
What does it take to succeed in college? Much more important are study skills: how you study, what you do in and out of the classroom, and how you manage your time. The good news is that good study skills are something that anybody can learn. Because of this, virtually anybody can succeed in college, with enough hard work, effective time-management, and proper study habits. If you are well enough to sit on a couch at how to be successful in college essay and watch TV, then you are probably well enough to make it to class.
At any rate, making it to class will probably help you avoid having bigger headaches later. College classes cover material at a much faster rate than high-school classes do, so missing classes can cause you to fall behind quickly.
Why make college difficult on yourself by not attending class? Especially, how to be successful in college essay, try to avoid missing math classes, because missing just one can make catching up very difficult. Of course, you will probably sometimes have emergencies that prevent you from attending class from time to time, but if you usually have good attendance, then you should be able to miss class for such situations without hurting yourself too much.
If, however, you miss classes for minor reasons, then you may not be able to take class off when you really need to. All in all, simply making it how to be successful in college essay class regularly is probably the most important thing that you, the student, can do to ensure your college success. Arrive on time: Many instructors take lateness seriously, how to be successful in college essay, and you may miss important information by arriving late.
Sit in the front of the room: This helps you in a number of ways: It helps you see the board, it helps you hear the teacher, and it helps the teacher notice you and pay attention to any difficulties you might be having. A classmate who seems to have a good grasp of the material can be a particularly good resource. Also, collaboration with other students is often more effective than studying alone. Before or after class, introduce yourself personally to the instructor: If you have any special concerns or difficulties, let the instructor know about them.
Exchange contact information. Let the instructor know that you are sincere about doing well: By participating, asking questions, introducing yourself to the instructor, and showing real interest in the subject, you are letting the instructor know that you are a serious student who wants to do well.
Teachers will often go out of their way to pay attention to and help such students. Read the syllabus carefully and hold on to it: Most college classes will include a syllabus, and this will give you very important information as to what is expected of you.
This is invaluable information that you will benefit greatly from knowing. Set yourself a regular study routine: This will help you manage time, and it will also help you make yourself study. Research shows that when students have a habit of studying at a certain time every day, they are able to learn more efficiently because their brains have become conditioned to studying at that time.
Find a good environment to study: Many people have difficulty studying in an effective way simply because they are studying in an inappropriate environment. Libraries or college learning centers can often be quite good. The place should have good lighting and comfortable chairs, and it should not be too hot or too cold. Things to avoid are places where people often interrupt you or where there are many distractions like phones ringing, people talking, or music playing. Also, there is an advantage to regularly studying in the same place or places.
Like studying at the same time, studying in the same place helps you become conditioned to learning. When you sit down at your regular study place, your brain knows why you are there.
Be honest with yourself about what distracts you: For example, some people actually do study well with music: it may relax them, or drown out other distractions. But, for other people, it may be a distraction in itself. Have the necessary materials: When you find a good place to study, make sure you have the materials you need. Pens, pencils, papers, notebooks, a clock to keep track of the timea calculator, erasers, white-out, pencil-sharpeners, rulers—all of these are examples of things you may need.
When you study, give the subject your full attention: Often, more can be accomplished in one hour of studying with complete attention than with a few hours of studying with distractions. At least, you should take short breaks from time to time, in order to not to tire your brain out too much. Study difficult or boring subjects how to be successful in college essay If you have to study more than one subject in one session, study the difficult or boring subjects first, so that when you get tired, you can go on to something which is easier or more interesting.
If you do it the other way around, you may find yourself unable to face the more difficult subjects later in the study session when you are more tired. Think of it this way: it is often easier to go uphill first and then go downhill than it is to go downhill first and then go uphill. When reading an assignment, first read the material quickly to get a general idea of the scope of the assignment. Then, read it over again for detail: This will enhance your understanding, and may actually be more time-efficient than trying to get all the details the first time.
For example, they may require a certain style of bibliography for papers. Some instructors are strict about the length of assignments; others are not. Knowing these things will help you get the best possible grades. Give yourself plenty of time; do not procrastinate: Assignments will often take longer than you anticipate.
Do things in stages: Often, the best results can be achieved by working on an assignment in stages. When you go back to the same assignment repeatedly, you will be able to how to be successful in college essay at the quality of your work in a more objective way, how to be successful in college essay, and this will help you keep your standards high.
If you get frustrated, take a break and go back to it later: When you become frustrated, the quality of your work will usually diminish, and you will not use time efficiently, either.
Taking a break may well be more time-efficient than forcing yourself to continue working on an assignment that you are stuck on. Of course, you will be able to do this only if you give yourself plenty of time to complete the assignment.
Avoid plagiarism at all costs: Plagiarism is a particular problem when doing papers because now papers on most subjects can be easily downloaded and bought on the Internet. Doing this not only deprives yourself of the valuable learning experience of writing a paper, but it also puts you in grave danger of being caught. Be aware that software exists that allows an instructor to easily find whether a paper is available online, simply by typing in a few sentences from that paper, in other words, how to be successful in college essay, while downloading a paper on the Internet is very easy, catching a student who does so can be even easier.
The consequences of being caught committing any kind of plagiarism generally range from failing the entire course to expulsion from the institution. If you generally write in a certain style and produce average work, then the instructor will most likely notice it if you suddenly turn in a flawless paper written in a very different style from that you usually use. Plagiarism is wrong, it cheats yourself out of your own learning experience, and it endangers your academic career.
Keep a good attitude towards your instructors: Of course, you will find that you like some instructors more than others. However, unless you feel that the teacher is genuinely incompetent or negligent, you should try to keep a good attitude towards him or her, how to be successful in college essay.
At any rate, keeping a positive attitude towards your instructors will help you maximize your learning. Take advantage of all campus learning resources: Luna has a free tutoring center and learning resource center. Instructors are required to keep office hours in which they can help their students. The Destinations program is available for students who wish to improve their ability in certain subjects. Still, how to be successful in college essay, the college experience is not solely an academic one, and becoming involved in activities can both give you a more well-rounded education and make the whole experience more enjoyable.
The enjoyment that they give you can also make you a more enthusiastic, committed student, which will probably help you excel in your studies as well. At the very least, activities will help you get to know other students, who can, in turn, how to be successful in college essay, give you academic and social support. Luna has an active and expanding student government, so that is one way that you can become more involved in college life. There is no mystery about managing time.
Everyone has 24 hours each day and hours each week to eat, sleep, work, relax, exercise, attend class, and study.
There is nothing magical about getting the most from these hours; it just takes planning. For example, if a class meets three hours a week, plan to spend six hours how to be successful in college essay that subject each week.
If a student has 12 hours of class each week, he or she should spend at least 24 hours studying per week. All in all, going to college can take up as much or more time as a full-time job. Actually, if you find that a class is quite easy for you, you may find how to be successful in college essay you can get away with studying only one hour per hour spent in class, but, conversely, if you find that the class is difficult, you may need how to be successful in college essay spend more than two hours per hour spent in class.
In the first few sessions of your class, you can also ask the teacher about how much time he or she thinks will be needed for out-of-class study.
Stay at least one day ahead: Unlike high-schools teachers, most college instructors will provide you with a syllabus telling you what your readings and assignments are going to be in advance. This gives you the opportunity to always stay at least one day ahead of your schoolwork. This not only helps manage time, but it also makes it much easier to understand and gain from lectures, because you will have more familiarity with the subjects being discussed before you go into the classroom.
Also, you will have experiences in which assignments turn out to take more time than you expected, so if you are already ahead, you will be prepared when this happens. The problem is that if you get behind in a certain class, you may find yourself having too much to do, and in trying to get caught up in one class, you may actually get behind in other classes as a result.
To avoid getting caught in this kind of negative cycle, do your best to avoid getting behind, and if you do get behind, do your best to set aside some time to get caught up or better yet ahead. Plan ahead for major papers and exams: Some parts of the semester will take more time than others. Especially, major exams and papers will take more of your time than you usually have to spend.
Also, you should set yourself a date for completing each task, so that you can get the entire job completed on time. Prioritize: In addition to school, a college student may have work, family, boyfriends or girlfriends, social life, housework, hobbies, entertainment, and activities. Obviously, some of these things cannot be ignored, but you do have to remember why you started going to college in the first place: to get an education.
It is quite possible that with good time management, you will be able to fit everything in, but you may well have to prioritize. If, for example, watching two hours of TV every night makes you unable to work and keep up with your homework, then you may have to decide that TV, how to be successful in college essay, being non-essential, will have to be cut back so that you will have time to get caught up.
Make a schedule: As mentioned above, how to be successful in college essay, you have hours a week. This gives you time to do a lot of things, but only if you use your time efficiently.
Making a schedule can really help you prioritize and give yourself enough time to do your schoolwork. If you schedule yourself enough time to do the more essential things like sleep, eating, studying, and taking care of important errands, how to be successful in college essay, you may find that you still have plenty of time for entertainment and friends. It is better to schedule more time for a particular task and actually follow through than it is to over-schedule yourself. Stick to your schedule: Having a schedule does not mean anything unless you can enforce it on yourself.
You have to how to be successful in college essay to develop a certain amount of willpower so that you will be able to make your schedule stick. Be prepared to be flexible: You must also be prepared to be flexible because things will come up which will force you to deviate from your plan.
Some people are tired and distracted in the evening, but others are most awake and capable of efficient studying at night. However, you do have to watch your time; if you cannot say no to invitations, you may find yourself not having enough to study. How to be successful in college essay yourself after studying instead of getting caught in avoidance behaviors: Putting off studying for leisure activities can make you feel guilty and make those activities harder to enjoy.
How to Write a WOW College Essay! Tips for the Common App, Coalition App and Personal Statements
, time: 16:36What does it take to succeed in college?

Jul 01, · Strategies for Success. Be regular in your classes. Always be punctual or try to reach early for your classes. Finish your homework and carry the required study materials with you in the class. Be attentive in the class. Ask questions or doubts How To Be Successful In College Essay. succeed in my future college classes. The Little Brown Handbook has been a helpful resource, and I will continue to utilize it in my future writing. Also The Craft of Research has been a helpful tool especially for understanding the vocabulary of What does it take to succeed in college? Many people would answer “intelligence.” They believe that if you are intelligent enough, you will succeed in college, and if you are not intelligent enough, you will fail. Actually, the quality called “intelligence” rarely is a major fact in college success
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