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Work–Life Balance among Married Women Employees
Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Family—work conflict FWC and work—family conflict WFC are more likely to exert negative influences in the family domain, resulting in lower life satisfaction and greater internal conflict within the family.
Studies have identified several variables that influence the level of WFC and FWC. Variables such as the size of family, the age of children, the work hours and the level of social support impact the experience of WFC and FWC. However, these variables have been conceptualized as antecedents of WFC and FWC; it is also important to consider the consequences these dissertation on work life balance among female workers have on psychological distress and wellbeing of the working women.
to study various factors which could lead to WFC and FWC among married women employees. The sample consisted of a total of 90 married working women of age between 20 and 50 years. WFC and FWC Scale was administered to measure WFC and FWC of working women. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Carl Pearson's Correlation was used to find the relationship between the different variables. The findings of the study emphasized the need to formulate guidelines for the management of WFCs at organizational level as it is related to job satisfaction and performance of the employees. Indian families are undergoing rapid changes due to the increased pace of urbanization and modernization. Indian women belonging to all classes have entered into paid occupations. At the present time, Indian women's exposure to educational opportunities is substantially higher than it was some decades ago, especially in the urban setting.
This has opened new vistas, increased awareness and raised aspirations of personal growth. This, along with economic pressure, has been instrumental in influencing women's decision to enter the work force. Most studies of employed married women in India have reported economic need as being the primary reason given for working.
Women's employment outside the home generally has a positive rather than negative effect on marriage. Campbell et al. The result revealed that women with children were significantly lower in occupational commitment relative to women without children; contrary to expectation, women with younger children outperformed women with older children.
Makowska[ 4 ] studied psychosocial determinants of stress and well-being among working women. The significance of the work-related stressors was evidently greater than that of the stressors associated with the family function, although the relationship between family functioning, stress and well-being was also significant.
Super[ 5 ] identified six common life roles. He indicated that the need to balance these different roles simultaneously is a reality for most individuals at various stages throughout their lives.
Rather than following a transitional sequence from one role to another, women are required to perform an accumulation of disparate roles simultaneously, each one with its unique pressures.
In certain instances, women with dissertation on work life balance among female workers roles reported better physical and psychological health than women with less role involvement.
In other words, they cherished motivational stimulation, self-esteem, a sense of control, dissertation on work life balance among female workers, physical stamina, and bursts of energy.
An increasing number of articles have promoted the importance of work—life balance. This highlights the current concern within society and organizations about the impact of multiple roles on the health and well-being of professional women and its implications regarding work and family performance, and women's role in society.
The following variables influencing the experience of work—life balance were identified while reviewing the international literature. The multiple roles performed by women[ 9 — 11 ]. Role strain experienced because of multiple roles, i. Organization culture and work dynamics: Organizational values supporting work—life balance have positive work and personal well-being consequences[ 1415 ]. Personal resources and social support: Several studies confirmed the positive relationship between personalities, emotional support and well-being[ 16 — 18 ], dissertation on work life balance among female workers.
Career orientation and career stage in which women careers need to be viewed in the context of their life course and time lines[ 1920 ]. Coping and coping strategies: Women use both emotional and problem-focused coping strategies to deal with role conflict. Work—life balance is the maintenance of a balance between responsibilities at work and at home. Work and family have increasingly become antagonist spheres, equally greedy of energy and time and responsible for work—family conflict WFC.
WFC has been defined as a type of inter-role conflict wherein some responsibilities from the work and family domains are not compatible and have a negative influence on an employee's work situation.
These roles tend to drain them and cause stress or inter-role conflict. Family—work conflict FWC is also a type of inter-role conflict in which family and work responsibilities are not compatible.
However, FWC is related to attitudes about the job or workplace. Workplace characteristics can also contribute to higher levels of WFC. Researchers have found that the number of hours worked per week, the amount and frequency of overtime required, an inflexible work schedule, unsupportive supervisor, and an inhospitable organizational culture increase the likelihood that women employees will experience conflict between their work and family role. However, authors argued quality of role rather than the quantity of roles that matters.
That is, there is a positive association between multiple roles and good mental health when a woman likes her job and likes her home life. WFC and FWC are generally considered distinct but related constructs. Research to date has primarily investigated how work interferes or conflicts with family. From work—family and family—work perspectives, dissertation on work life balance among female workers, this type of conflict reflects the degree to which role responsibilities from the work and family domains are incompatible.
Frone et al. The work domain variables such as work stress may cause work roles to interfere with family roles; the level of conflict in the family domain impacts work activities, dissertation on work life balance among female workers, causing more work conflict, thus creating a vicious cycle. Therefore, work domain variables that relate to WFC indirectly affect FWC through the bi-directional relationship between each construct. Family responsibility might be related to WFC when the employee experiences a very high work overload that impacts the employee's ability to perform even minor family-related roles.
Such a situation likely affects WFC through the bi-directional nature of the two constructs. While no researchers have considered the relationship between these constructs in a full measurement model, Carlson and Kacmar[ 36 ] used structural model and found positive and significant paths between WFC and FWC.
Work stress is usually conceptualized as work-role conflict, work-role overload, and work-role ambiguity[ 3738 ] House et al. Each has the potential to affect WFC.
As uncertainty concerning work roles increase, employees use more mental energy to decipher it. This requirement may drain mental energy and attention needed for their family roles. Carlson and Kacmar[ 36 ] found that role overload and role conflict were predictors of WFC, yet did not find significant results for role ambiguity.
Kandel et al. They found that strains and stresses are lower in family roles than in occupational and household roles among the married women. These have more severe consequences for the psychological well-being of women than occupational strains and stresses. Strains predicted distress through role-specific stress, with strains deriving from contribution of role-specific stress.
Chassin et al. These are: 1 conflicts between demands of multiple roles, 2 conflict between role expectations of self and spouse, and 3 lack of dissertation on work life balance among female workers between expectation and reality of roles. The authors felt that self-role congruence in women leads to better mental health.
Research studies have identified several variables that influence the level of WFC and FWC. Variables such as the size of family, the age of children, the number of hours worked outside the home, the level of control dissertation on work life balance among female workers has over one's work hours, flexible or inflexible work hours and the level of social support impact the experience of WFC and FWC.
However, these variables have been conceptualized as antecedents of WFC and FWC; it is also important to consider the consequences these variables have on psychological distress and well-being of the working women. Most of these studies revived are in western context; there is a scarcity of research in this area in the Indian context. Hence, the researchers made an attempt to study various factors which could lead to WFC and FWC among married women employees.
Thirty married working women were selected using simple random sampling technique from each setting, i. The women who were married at least for 3 years, living with spouse and engaged in work for at least 1 year were included in the study.
The women with psychiatric and neurological illness with spouse suffering from physical or psychiatric and neurological illness were excluded from the study. WFC and FWC Scale by Netemeyer et al. The participants are asked to indicate the extent to which they agree with each item. The responses range from 1 strongly disagree to 7 strongly agree. The coefficient alpha of the scale ranged from 0. The scale was found to have good content, construct and predictive validity.
The mean age of the respondent was Nearly half With regard to number of children, The mean scores of WFC and FWC among the women [ Table 1 ] show that the women scored highest in WFC Mean Further, high FWC was found among those who were having one child, whereas less FWC was found among those not having children. The women working in dissertation on work life balance among female workers setting reported higher WFC compared to those working at school or industry setting.
FWC was more among the women working in industry, when compared to those working in school and hospital setting. One-way ANOVA — Background variables and work—family conflict and family—work conflict. However, non-significant relationships were found between age of the women, overall work experience, and number of children on WFC and FWC. In addition, non-significant relationship was also found between the age of the eldest child and WFC.
Intercorrelation among the work—family conflict and family—work conflict with background variables. The present study was aimed at exploring the factors which lead to WFC and FWC among married women dissertation on work life balance among female workers working in different settings. WFC and FWC were found to be more among the women having the eldest child between 6 and 10 years. Moreover, the age of the children was significantly positively correlated with FWC among the working women.
The findings of the study support the earlier studies that age of the children is related to more WFC and FWC among married women employees. Some researchers used parental overload[ 33 ] which included number of children; others used variables such as family demand[ 43 ] in predicting WFC.
Higgins et al. High levels of family responsibility cause increased time requirements and strain on the family, thereby interfering with the employee's work roles.
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