the essay planning process. It allows the writer to understand how he or she will connect all the information to support the thesis statement and the claims of the paper 5 rows · Feb 20, · Essay Planning isn’t as dull as you think. In fact, it really does only take a short amount of Sep 06, · How to plan an essay? Carefully think about what you want to say on the topic. Then write it down on the piece of paper in a column of thoughts. And only then decide in what order you want to display your list in your essay writing for college students. Writing an essay plan is necessary for a clear and crisp structure of blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Essay Planning: Guidelines and an Example Structure - blogger.com
Have you ever started writing an essay then realized you have run out of ideas to talk about? The best way to avoid this mid-essay disaster is to plan ahead: you need to write an Essay Plan!
Essay planning is one of the most important skills I teach my students. When I have one-to-one tutorials with my students, I always send them planning an essay with an essay plan and clear goals about what to write. So print out your essay question and any other advice or guidelines provided by your teacher. This strategy helps you to hone in on exactly what you want to talk about. The other top thing to look at is the marking criteria.
Sample Essay Topic: Is Climate Change the Greatest Moral Challenge of our Generation? Now, if you have a marking criteria you really need to pay attention to this, planning an essay. For the example above, your essay is going to have to make sure it:. The reason you need to be really careful to pay attention to this marking criteria is because it is your cheat sheet: it tells you what to talk about!
Now your mind is tuned in and you can start doing some preliminary research. Now that you know what your focus is, you can start finding some information to discuss, planning an essay. If you want top marks, you want some deep, detailed and specific pieces of information.
The top source for finding information will be the resources your teacher provided. These resources were hand picked by your teacher because they believed these were the best sources available our there on the topic. Here are the most common resources teachers provide:. The lecture slides are one of the best resources for you to access. Lecture slides are usually provided online for you. Find the lecture slides most relevant to your topic.
To take the example of our climate change essay, maybe climate change is only discussed in three of the weeks in your course. Flick through those lecture slides and take quick notes on a piece of paper — what are the most important topics and statistics that are relevant to your essay question?
Now, move on to the assigned readings. Your teacher will have selected some readings for you to do for homework through the semester. They may be eBooks, planning an essay, Textbooks or Journal Articles. These assigned readings were assigned for a reason: because they have very important information to read! Next, planning an essay, try planning an essay find a few more sources using Google Scholar.
This is a great resource for finding more academic articles that you can read to find even more details and ideas to add to your essay. The point of Step 2 was to gather information. For your essay plan Mind-Map, write the essay question in the middle of the page and draw a circle around it.
Then, select the biggest and most important key ideas that you think are worth discussing in the essay. To decide on these, you might want to look back at the notes you took in Step 2. Last, planning an essay need to add detail and depth to each key idea. So, draw more lines out from each key ideas and list:, planning an essay. You need to arrange your topics to decide which to write first, second, third, fourth, and last! Does one key point need to be made first so that planning an essay other ones make sense?
Then, list them in order. All good essays have clear paragraphs that start with a topic sentence, planning an essay. To turn these brainstormed key points into an essay, you need to get that list you wrote in Step 5 and turn each point into a topic sentence for a paragraph.
Your marker is going to want to know exactly what your paragraph is about immediately. The important thing is that you get words down on paper. To write the draft, have a go at adding to each of your topic sentences to turn them into full paragraphs. Follow the information you wrote down in your notes and Mind-Map to get some great details down on paper. Forget about the introduction and conclusion for now, planning an essay. You can write them last.
Your turn — have a go at your own draft paragraphs based on your Mind-Map for your essay topic! The best students finish their drafts early on so they have a good three or four weeks to come back and re-read their draft and edit it every few days.
That essay was tough, planning an essay. But with this essay plan, you can get through any essay and do a stellar job! Skip to content Have you ever started writing an essay then realized you have run out of ideas to talk about? Planning an essay can make you feel deflated and you start to hate your essay! Contents show. how to write an essay plan 1. Figure out your Essay Topic. Gather your Sources and take Quick Notes.
Brainstorm using a Mind-Map. Arrange your Topics. Write your topic Sentences in just 5 minutes. Write a No-Pressure Essay Draft in just 3 Hours. Edit your Draft Once every Few Days until Submission. Check out this simple approach:. Open toolbar.
Accessibility Tools Increase Text Decrease Text Grayscale High Contrast Negative Contrast Light Background Links Underline Readable Font Reset. Climate change is the term used to explain rising atmospheric temperatures caused by carbon build-up in the atmosphere.
How to Write an Argumentative Essay - Planning
, time: 5:507 Steps for Writing an Essay Plan ()

the essay planning process. It allows the writer to understand how he or she will connect all the information to support the thesis statement and the claims of the paper Planning the Essay Introductory Paragraph • Introduces your topic and provides necessary background information • Captures the reader’s interest and attention • States your thesis clearly _____File Size: 13KB 5 rows · Feb 20, · Essay Planning isn’t as dull as you think. In fact, it really does only take a short amount of
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